Monday, May 24, 2010

The Invention of Glasses

Nobody knows for certain who first created the spectacles. They do however know around when they were created because they started to appear in paintings with people holding or wearing them, and through these paintings we also know that they were invented in Italy. Sometime in the 1300's the Venetian Glassmaker's Guild made regulations on how to make glasses. In 1352 glasses were only worn by well educated and very wealthy noblemen, or members of the clergy. In 1456 Gutenberg invented the printing press and books became widespread then you started to find glasses in the hands of the common people. Glasses also started to be made with a lot of different matrials aswell. A couple centuries after this in 1623 the Spanish invented the first graded lenses. This improved the method of trail and error that people used to fing glasses to help them see better. As some one who uses glasses today I have to call them a great invention. Without them being invented then we would have had nothing to improve on and we would not have the glasses we have today that help millions of people every day.

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